Tag Archives: first-aid-herb

Wild Yarrow

Yarrow is a useful healing herb that grows wild. It is know as Soldier’s Woundwort and Knight’s Milfoil as it was used on the battlefield to stop bleeding and encourage healing. The scientific name for the herb is Achillea millefolium named after Achilles from the ancient Greek Trojan war legend.

The herb has been used for everything from controlling bleeding of wounds and nosebleeds to chewing it for toothaches. Tea can be made from the wild herb to help with sleeplessness and is a helpful fever reducer.

A tincture can be made from the plant by chopping up the flowers and leaves. Continue Reading →



Plantain is a very useful plant that grows wild along many driveways and in lawns. While it is regarded as a weed, it has many medicinal purposes which you can read more about at Rural Sprout.

Over at Mind Mart Holistic Health, they refer to Plantain as first aid growing on your lawn. They recommend Plantain is a first-choice remedy for many skin ailments with all parts of the plant, including the seeds, being edible.

The herb Plantain should not confused with the big green looking bananas called Plantains.

With all being said, the herb Plantain can be used effectively for bee stings, skin irritations, bleeding, laxative, diarrhea, and other digestive problems. For example, you can use the leaves as a wet compress on insect stings to draw out the toxins and reduce swelling. Also you can place the moistened leaves on a wound to control bleeding and as a wound dressing. The leaves can help close a wound and slow bleeding. Because the plant also provides antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties, it really is a wonderful wild herb with many uses.

I just have to share how I recently used Plantain on a wound. My husband had a cut on his finger right on a bend that just wouldn’t heal. I used a fresh Plantain leaf on the sore overnight and covered it with a band-aid. The next day the wound had closed and looked so much better. It wasn’t bleeding and the cut was nearly healed. Continue Reading →