Tag Archives: tomato-plants

Self-Watering Tomato Plant Containers

Here are my tomato plants that I am growing in my self-watering containers. I made these containers a few years ago and just reuse them each year. I did have to replace the tin water cans in the bottom of the buckets this year but other than that these can be used year after year.

Self-watering plant containers work well as the water is sucked up through the wicking can directly to the roots of your plants. Additionally you don’t have to water your plants every day as you have a reservoir of water inside the outside bucket for your plants to draw from.

All you need to make a self-watering plant container such as mine are two recycled plastic buckets, a tin can, and a piece of plastic tube or pipe. I used Urban Organic Gardener’s post and video to help me assemble my self-watering containers.

Here is a photo of a new can with the holes drilled in it to absorb the water from the bucket. Continue Reading →


Using Epsom Salt for Tomato Plants

Epsom salt is very useful for fertilizing and feeding your tomato plants. Last year I discovered using Epsom salt can help with magnesium deficiencies in soil and also helps with yellow leaves on tomato plants. Epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate and several other important nutrients that encourage leaf and root development.

Using Epsom salts to grow tomato plants appears to be an excellent alternative to naturally fertilize the plants. Another wonderful thing about Epsom salt is that it’s readily available and cheap to buy.

Using Epsom Salt:
To use dry, mix about a teaspoon of Epsom salt in the dirt around a new tomato seedling or growing plant. Once the plant gets bigger, you can use more salt. For example, use 1 tbsp. for each foot of plant height. For watering application, use 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt in a gallon of water. Mix well and water plant weekly with the mixture.

The results I obtained were healthier, greener and better producing plants. Bottom line — Using Epsom salt is frugal and provides a more natural way to fertilize your tomato plants with great results.