I harvested these onions that had fallen over and were ready to start curing and drying for winter storage.
Once the onions fall over, you can gently dig them up and put them out to begin to dry. You want them laying out like this for at least one day. You don’t want to leave them out in the sun after that. So you can either find a shady spot or cover them with a sheet as shown.
You want to use a sheet so the curing onions can breathe and have air circulate around them. Do not cover with plastic. After about a week or two, the tops will die off and then you can trim the onion tops.
Next photo is after the tops were cut and I placed them in this shallow box in the shade under a lean-to for them to continue to dry and cure for another month. You can now just brush off the roots as they are dry and dead.
Check on the drying onions to make sure that any damaged onions are used right away. Store the dried onions in Continue Reading →