Ripening Green Tomatoes

As my gardening season comes to an end, I still have many green tomatoes on my plants. Here is just a small bag of green tomatoes I harvested off of two plants. I needed to harvest the tomatoes on these plants as they were in frost danger. You can always cover your tomato plants at night to protect them from frost but the end of my warm season is here and it was time to just pick the green tomatoes.
Harvested Green Tomatoes

I wrote a post a few years ago with a great tip on ripening green tomatoes. You can read that post here. If you don’t have a ripe banana to place inside your brown paper bag, don’t worry. The green tomatoes will ripen over time inside a closed brown paper bag. You can also wrap the green tomatoes in newspaper and then place them inside the paper bag. This is another good way to ripen green tomatoes and store them for future use. You can read more about storing green tomatoes here.

If nothing else, place the green tomatoes on a sunny, inside window ledge and they will also ripen over time. But if you have lots of green tomatoes, you might try my useful idea about storage of the tomatoes. It is very nice to have red home-grown tomatoes into November from the brown bag storage idea.

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