Tag Archives: recycled-jar

Recycled Glass Jar Planter

I found using a recycled glass jar works great for my Aloe Vera starts. Here is one that I planted in a large jam jar. This has been growing in the jar for several months now and it’s just thriving. The glass jar acts as a terrarium and the Aloe plant seems to really like the glass jar planter.

Here is another one I started in a recycled pickle jar. This one has not taken off yet but I’m hopeful with time, it will thrive just like the other one.
Aloe Vera Start in Jar

A few important tips. Don’t overwater plants you place in glass jars. Because it has no drainage in the glass jar, you must be careful not to overwater the plant. Continue Reading →


Recycled Glass Match Holder Jars

Here is a handy idea to recycle small glass jars into wooden match holders. I have added a sandpaper cover to strike the match on as shown. A hole was added on each jar so you can just shake out a match as needed.

The old jar on the right was a small screw-on jar that I drilled a hole into the lid for the match opening. The other jar was a jelly jar that was gifted to me.

For both jars, I traced around the lid on a piece of sandpaper for the top. I glued the sandpaper disk to the top of the metal lid for the screw-on jar. For the jelly jar, I glued the sandpaper to a piece of cardboard and then screwed on the lid ring. I punched a round hole through the top of both so you can just shake out a match from the jar.

I added a piece of recycled denim hem to the one jar lid for trim. Just cut a piece of hem for an old pair of jeans and glue it in place around the lid rim.

On the jelly jar, I added a piece of ribbon around the lid ring for decoration. There are several version of this idea found on the web Continue Reading →