October is breast cancer awareness month.
The NFL is promoting Crucial Catch and intercepting cancer. I can’t think of a better theme to write about to bring awareness to cancer. Early detection is so very crucial in as they say Make a Crucial Catch by having that mammograph, schedule that doctor’s appointment, have that required screening, and do those self-exams. Early detection is so vital. I should know, I found my own lump and had it scanned and biopsied right away. It probably saved my life as my lump was cancer. But early detection and immediate treatment, did make a difference. I am happy to report that for over 10 years now, I am cancer free.
So let me make a very useful suggestion for the most helpful idea I can share, make that crucial catch and intercept cancer. Battle this beast, and be strong. God willing that we can all share this vital information and above all, be diligent and don’t wait.
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