Indoor Basil Harvested

This weekend I harvested my indoor basil that I have been growing over the winter. I brought my plants indoors last fall and while they don’t grow all that great inside in the winter, they do produce. Here is my harvested basil I cut off the two plants I had over the winter. I left some base in the pots so they can regrow again this spring once it warms up.

I am now drying these leaves and hope to have a bounty of fresh dried basil to use over the next few months. I should add that I have been cutting off leaves from these plants throughout the winter. I have used the fresh leaves in spaghetti, pizza sauce, and lasagna recipes over the last several winter months. It is always wonderful to use fresh cut-up basil in my cooking.

So as the weather is warming, I will soon re-pot and transfer my basil outside where it can really thrive. Until then, I will enjoy this harvest of winter grown basil.

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